Learning about the boxes we try to fit into from my favorite tiny teacher.
Welcoming 2021: It’s ok to be sad, happy, or both
On this first day of 2021, I feel sad. But I’m learning that some days, I feel really good, peaceful and empowered. Other days, I feel sad. Sometimes really sad. Sometimes, there’s an obvious reason. Other times, I find myself searching for the cause. But sometimes, I can acknowledge the feeling, hold space for it, and let it pass. I don’t have to let it consume me.
Coronavirus panic, self-soothing, snark and a toddler
Thoughts on Becoming Mommy
The scary truth about chasing a dream
Starting a new chapter
It's been six months since my last post. In that time, our world has shifted dramatically, and continues to do so, and my world has continued to transform on its own small scale...
Cat, Can, Corn, Crash and Color: Reflections at Twilight
How an acting class is helping me navigate my grief
Grabbing my life by the... reigns
Moving forward after the two weeks that knocked us all down, aka: the week Mom went to the hospital and I punched her in the face
Wading through fear, indecision and identity by clearing my clutter
Accepting “You can’t do it alone”
Celebrating our Dark Sides...
How gratefulness helped me out of the depths of caregiver burnout
Why my husband’s cooking talents and newfound interest in painting are like practicing medicine
This is the part of the website about which I am most excited. This is the section where I, and eventually others, can explore 1) social issues, 2) creativity about and in healthcare, and 3) the general human experience. Posts here will roughly fall within these three categories.
For the first post, I drew this study in white (coat), click the image to see full screen.